Somerset Wildlands

The Somerset Levels were once England’s Okavango Delta. From pelicans to wild cats, beavers to sturgeons, it would have teemed with wildlife, much of it now gone. Somerset Wildlands is raising funds to buy land to create space for nature, building up a series of ‘wild stepping stones’ throughout the region in the hope that we can return some of that lost abundance. The Levels may never be what they were, but we have an opportunity to create a world-class wildlife core for the South-West of England and beyond.

At the same time as we buy land we will develop a community of interest around rewilding in the area, working with landowners wilding their own lands to build up a network of affiliated sites, and using these stepping stones as bases for education and outreach, with a focus on young people. Along the way we’ll store carbon, reduce water pollution and provide sustainable economic opportunities.

You can find out more about this project here.